drspam: tim of the incinerator
drspam: dude shut up that is awesome
drspam: we'll collect them later
drspam: shoulders
drspam: contact
drspam: chaos
drspam: you can't see me
drspam: laughy
drspam: siren
drspam: smiley
drspam: curly
drspam: impact
drspam: the windup
drspam: beardy
drspam: feather mouth
drspam: heap
drspam: feather feet
drspam: legs
drspam: flying is harder than you think, unless you already think it would be pretty hard, in which case it's about that hard
drspam: what do you have to say NOW, gravity?
drspam: would you be prepared if gravity reversed itself?
drspam: hendrix
drspam: all in a day's work, if that day is filled with fire.
drspam: jamie lidell
drspam: jamie lidell
drspam: look right through me
drspam: yeah look, i'm not convinced your insurance covers this
drspam: saved from a shadow disaster
drspam: the easy way and the hard way
drspam: master of what little i survey