Dr Sisyphus: Sisters
Dr Sisyphus: Brambled cow
Dr Sisyphus: Watching
Dr Sisyphus: Whatever
Dr Sisyphus: Field of cows
Dr Sisyphus: Being eyeballed
Dr Sisyphus: Front garden
Dr Sisyphus: Up close and personal
Dr Sisyphus: Confusion
Dr Sisyphus: Smiling cow
Dr Sisyphus: Waiting
Dr Sisyphus: Sea of cows
Dr Sisyphus: Pretty cow
Dr Sisyphus: Cow and fly
Dr Sisyphus: Cow face
Dr Sisyphus: Cowfusion
Dr Sisyphus: Cow profile
Dr Sisyphus: Walking cow
Dr Sisyphus: Blossoms
Dr Sisyphus: Walled garden
Dr Sisyphus: Said the spider to the fly...
Dr Sisyphus: Gorey Harbour on a spring morning. .. high tide
Dr Sisyphus: All in a row