drscaine: Apotek
drscaine: Apotek with flying crocodile!
drscaine: Apotek making pills
drscaine: Central station ceiling
drscaine: Bustling Stockholm Central
drscaine: Bruin
drscaine: Church gate, Skansen
drscaine: C playing the xylophone
drscaine: buoys will be buoys
drscaine: City hall colonnade from courtyard
drscaine: Fotografiska
drscaine: Ericsson globe ride
drscaine: Council chamber ceiling
drscaine: City hall colonnade
drscaine: City hall colonnade from within
drscaine: City hall courtyard
drscaine: Cordon bleu
drscaine: meat packing!
drscaine: Misty view from the globe
drscaine: SkyView
drscaine: Stockholm Central station
drscaine: Ready to attack
drscaine: Great Grey Owl
drscaine: Light through trees, Skansen
drscaine: Nordisk Museet
drscaine: old town from across the water
drscaine: Gold hall
drscaine: Juliet balcony
drscaine: Nobel monument