sgilliamh: Ile St. Louis
sgilliamh: Joachim du Bellay est mort, age 37, 1560
sgilliamh: Spire of Notre Dame, from area behind
sgilliamh: Notre Dame, apse end - Pope's garden
sgilliamh: Yellow!
sgilliamh: Christ - trumeau of central portal, Notre Dame
sgilliamh: Christ - Notre Dame trumeau - closeup
sgilliamh: Central portal - Last Judgment - Notre Dame
sgilliamh: Figures to left of central portal - disciples?
sgilliamh: Figures to right of central portal - more disciples?
sgilliamh: Saints, angels, demons on ribbing of arch, central portal, right side
sgilliamh: Saints, angels on ribbing of arch, central portal, left side
sgilliamh: Seine from Pont au Double - bateaux mouches, dark sky
sgilliamh: Eglise St. Julien le Pauvre from Square Vivienne
sgilliamh: garden, St. Julien le Pauvre - looking toward rue de Fouarre
sgilliamh: Doorway, St. Julien le Pauvre
sgilliamh: Half-timbered houses behind St. Julien le Pauvre
sgilliamh: Notre Dame de Paris nave
sgilliamh: Notre Dame de Paris high altar with Pietà and modern cross
sgilliamh: Notre Dame apse, stained glass windows
sgilliamh: Notre Dame early mass is held in the choir stalls
sgilliamh: Cantor getting ready for early mass, Notre Dame
sgilliamh: Notre Dame stained glass above the choir
sgilliamh: St. Thomas testing the wounds
sgilliamh: Christ appears to the apostles
sgilliamh: Christ appears to travelers at Emmaus
sgilliamh: Christ appears to Simon Peter
sgilliamh: Christ appears to the holy women - "three Maries"
sgilliamh: Christ appears to Mary Magdalene
sgilliamh: Christ appears to apostles on sea of Tiberias