DrAperture: Two faces..
DrAperture: Beauty in the wilderness
DrAperture: Dreamland
DrAperture: Vortex
DrAperture: Holy Basil flowers - Round and Round
DrAperture: The odd one out
DrAperture: A white flower...
DrAperture: Bouquet
DrAperture: Wildflower
DrAperture: Red flowers
DrAperture: Greens from the nature
DrAperture: Crouton
DrAperture: In transition
DrAperture: fairyland
DrAperture: The young and the old
DrAperture: Lonely and Withered
DrAperture: Bright green
DrAperture: Veins of life
DrAperture: Steadfast
DrAperture: Greens - Encircled
DrAperture: Lonely & Forgotten...
DrAperture: Its a tiny world out there...
DrAperture: It's so cold...
DrAperture: Frosty!
DrAperture: Red, Green & White! The colors of Christmas.
DrAperture: Spring time!
DrAperture: Long road ahead
DrAperture: Train of Fungi...
DrAperture: B&W Flower
DrAperture: Green moss!