Dr.Phibes: Wifi the ferret
Dr.Phibes: Wifi 2
Dr.Phibes: Wifi
Dr.Phibes: Wifi the ferret & Gizmo the mogwai
Dr.Phibes: Alien 3 - Wifi, the ferret sleeping
Dr.Phibes: Are you talking to me?
Dr.Phibes: Two ducks and a reflected Van - Dos patos y una Van reflejada. Gernika.
Dr.Phibes: Hungry birds... . To catch a thief 2 - Atrapa a un ladrón 2 . 5 minutes later .
Dr.Phibes: Catch a thief - Atrapa a un ladrón
Dr.Phibes: Wifi, la hurona. Posando con clase. . Wifi, the ferret. Posing with elegance .
Dr.Phibes: The classic picture of Wifi the Ferret