hope bomb: sparkle fairy
hope bomb: sparkly tristan
hope bomb: many, many sparkles
hope bomb: eliza sparkles
hope bomb: the girls
hope bomb: big smiles
hope bomb: yippee
hope bomb: toby and parker and sippy cup
hope bomb: 2 and 4
hope bomb: the boys
hope bomb: parker kissing toby
hope bomb: mom?
hope bomb: parker pre-occupied
hope bomb: yippee
hope bomb: parkers back
hope bomb: i love my toby
hope bomb: toby back
hope bomb: toby
hope bomb: eliza dries off
hope bomb: post-shower sparkle remnants
hope bomb: navel gazing
hope bomb: parker of many faces
hope bomb: haha ha haha
hope bomb: my eliza
hope bomb: eliza brown eyes
hope bomb: embarassed
hope bomb: tristan
hope bomb: girls
hope bomb: mom and eliza
hope bomb: lookin non-plussed