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World Wars Experience - East Fortune 2011 by Paul Cram
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Paul Cram
Left, left, left right left.....
Paul Cram
Right - who's farted?
Paul Cram
Bayonet practice.
Paul Cram
Enemy close quarters assault practice!
Paul Cram
I sure hope that wind doesn't pick up!
Paul Cram
Paul Cram
Is it a bird, is it a plane - no it's just that guy trying out his new Canon 7d
Paul Cram
Nikon Bigot!
Paul Cram
Two wheels picks up the girls!
Paul Cram
For Willy & Kate!
Paul Cram
Did you hear about Osama?
Paul Cram
Nice ride!
Paul Cram
She never said she was married!
Paul Cram
We really should have told the kids how loud this would be!
Paul Cram
After that roundabout, take a right!
Paul Cram
Should never have had spaghetti for lunch!
Paul Cram
I spy with my little eye.....
Paul Cram
Relax - breathe in - hold it.....
Paul Cram
Where theres smoke.....
Paul Cram
Tourne a droit!
Paul Cram
Attack attack!
Paul Cram
An angel comes to aid
Paul Cram
WW1 soldier on the assault!
Paul Cram
I aint goin down without a fight!