Paul Cram: Left, left, left right left.....
Paul Cram: Right - who's farted?
Paul Cram: Bayonet practice.
Paul Cram: Enemy close quarters assault practice!
Paul Cram: I sure hope that wind doesn't pick up!
Paul Cram: Medic!
Paul Cram: Is it a bird, is it a plane - no it's just that guy trying out his new Canon 7d
Paul Cram: Nikon Bigot!
Paul Cram: Two wheels picks up the girls!
Paul Cram: For Willy & Kate!
Paul Cram: Did you hear about Osama?
Paul Cram: Nice ride!
Paul Cram: She never said she was married!
Paul Cram: We really should have told the kids how loud this would be!
Paul Cram: After that roundabout, take a right!
Paul Cram: Should never have had spaghetti for lunch!
Paul Cram: I spy with my little eye.....
Paul Cram: Relax - breathe in - hold it.....
Paul Cram: Where theres smoke.....
Paul Cram: Tourne a droit!
Paul Cram: Attack attack!
Paul Cram: An angel comes to aid
Paul Cram: WW1 soldier on the assault!
Paul Cram: I aint goin down without a fight!