droob: Tide scum
droob: Windburn: Go!
droob: Mini tide pool
droob: Ripples
droob: Sylvia Beach Hotel, from the beach
droob: Posts
droob: Sylvia Beach Hotel
droob: Looooooong beach
droob: Nye Beach
droob: Unfortunate crab thing
droob: Almost burrowed out
droob: Shoreline carnage
droob: Shoreline carnage
droob: Separated plant
droob: Shoreline carnage
droob: Shoreline carnage
droob: Misty jetty
droob: Side of the jetty
droob: Hairy rocks
droob: Rocky
droob: Burned log
droob: Driftwood
droob: Driftwood and rock are pals
droob: I wish it were FAIRODEO
droob: Sylvia Beach Hotel
droob: Edgar Allen Poe room
droob: View from the room
droob: In the "closet"
droob: Morning
droob: Reading on the beach