dave_rowlinson: clean bowled
dave_rowlinson: Whitstable Osyter Eating Competition
dave_rowlinson: the oyster stage
dave_rowlinson: kaff'n'beer
dave_rowlinson: on a beach on a wall
dave_rowlinson: on a wall on a beach
dave_rowlinson: on the sea wall - that's a rough pub behind us
dave_rowlinson: Team Bilson
dave_rowlinson: Team Peters
dave_rowlinson: bullseye, with the light of jebus smiling on him...
dave_rowlinson: ello bilson!
dave_rowlinson: schoppy and shades
dave_rowlinson: bullyeye and sunshine
dave_rowlinson: dickie bilson, always smiling
dave_rowlinson: kaff'n'nat
dave_rowlinson: view from a rough pub
dave_rowlinson: fish'n'chips on the sea wall...
dave_rowlinson: dan's got a new camera you know?
dave_rowlinson: bully and kaff on the beach
dave_rowlinson: bully & kaff on the beach
dave_rowlinson: token sunset shot
dave_rowlinson: crabby winkle
dave_rowlinson: dan walks funny(ish)
dave_rowlinson: danno and sun
dave_rowlinson: tankerton huts and things
dave_rowlinson: on the street out at sea
dave_rowlinson: bullseye, not looking wrinkled
dave_rowlinson: sir robert corby