Dr. Mike Caudle: George H. W. Bush Presidential Library
Dr. Mike Caudle: George H. W. Bush Presidential Library
Dr. Mike Caudle: George H. W. Bush Presidential Library
Dr. Mike Caudle: In Front of the George H. W. Bush Presidential Library
Dr. Mike Caudle: The Day the Berlin Wall Came Down - Freedom!!!
Dr. Mike Caudle: The Berlin Wall Came Down - Freedom
Dr. Mike Caudle: Freedom (George H. W. Bush Presidential Library) - "Mr. Gorbachev, Tear Down That Wall." - Ronald Reagan
Dr. Mike Caudle: President George H. W. Bush Presidential Library
Dr. Mike Caudle: Waiting for You
Dr. Mike Caudle: George H. W. Bush Presidential Library
Dr. Mike Caudle: President George H. W. Bush Presidential Library
Dr. Mike Caudle: George H. W. Bush Presidential Library
Dr. Mike Caudle: Reflections on the Bush Presidential Library Pond
Dr. Mike Caudle: Exact Replica of President George H. W. Bush's First Auto
Dr. Mike Caudle: IMG_2894
Dr. Mike Caudle: Christmas Tree, 2013, in the George H. W. Bush Presidential Library in College Station, Texas
Dr. Mike Caudle: IMG_2895
Dr. Mike Caudle: President George H. W. Bush (41) Banner
Dr. Mike Caudle: President George H. W. Bush (41) Banner
Dr. Mike Caudle: President George H. W. Bush (41) Banner
Dr. Mike Caudle: Security at Bush Library Awaiting the Flyover of Air Force One
Dr. Mike Caudle: Security at George H. W. Bush Presidential Library
Dr. Mike Caudle: Security at George H. W. Bush Presidential Library
Dr. Mike Caudle: Young Ladies Awaiting the Flyover by Air Force One
Dr. Mike Caudle: Special Tribute on the Jumbo Screen in Kyle Field
Dr. Mike Caudle: Air Force One Approaches the Bush Library
Dr. Mike Caudle: Air Force One Slowly Passes Over the Bush Library
Dr. Mike Caudle: Air Force One Over the Bush Library
Dr. Mike Caudle: Air Force One Begins Turn Toward Houston, Texas
Dr. Mike Caudle: Air Force One Over Texas A&M University 12-6-2018