DrLube: Jamerton von Doodleberg
DrLube: Deannerton von Specklestein
DrLube: Keep your eyes on the road, Deanna.
DrLube: Keep your eyes on Deanna, Ness.
DrLube: Keep your eyes on Deanna's hair, Jamerton.
DrLube: The Tunnel of Love
DrLube: Oh, Von Doodleberg!
DrLube: Finally, the right sized bananas.
DrLube: Genitananas
DrLube: Mmmmmmmm
DrLube: You're not gonna find the answer in there!
DrLube: Tofu cheese!
DrLube: Jaserton and Katerton
DrLube: Stairway to Heaven/Hell.. it all depends on you.
DrLube: Confusion sets in.
DrLube: Mwah! Mwah! Mwah! Mwah! <ahem>
DrLube: Deep On the Sun Deck
DrLube: Someone's Ladder. Not ours.
DrLube: Jamerton Von Poserstein.
DrLube: Amazing Feets
DrLube: Decked Out
DrLube: Bye Bye Shitty!
DrLube: I love this place!
DrLube: I love this place! Part Deux.
DrLube: Shape Study
DrLube: Shape Study, Part Deux
DrLube: Ha... Ha...
DrLube: Whatchoo Pointin' At?
DrLube: J, K, J
DrLube: Thrifty!