kniteclectic: FI_tests
kniteclectic: FI scarf
kniteclectic: FI: cotton, 32 gauge stainless
kniteclectic: FI: felted, ladders with edge shaping
kniteclectic: FI: felted, ladders with edge shaping
kniteclectic: FI: stitched self fringe
kniteclectic: FI: stitched self fringe
kniteclectic: FI: wool and raffia, wool and fishing line
kniteclectic: FI: wool and raffia, wool and fishing line
kniteclectic: FI: wool and elastic
kniteclectic: FI: wool and elastic
kniteclectic: FI: wool and elastic
kniteclectic: FI: rayon and wool
kniteclectic: FI: felted rayon and wool, color reverse
kniteclectic: FI: felted rayon and wool
kniteclectic: felt rayon and wool, yarn reversed
kniteclectic: 500_6359
kniteclectic: 500_6361
kniteclectic: FI every other needle out of work, thicker yarn
kniteclectic: FI every needle
kniteclectic: red and yellow FI
kniteclectic: FI-hook floats
kniteclectic: FI_ladders1
kniteclectic: FI_ladders2