Drifting Nicole: Admiring the Big Ass Fan
Drifting Nicole: need I say more?
Drifting Nicole: Saki showing off her skills at the Brothers K
Drifting Nicole: Saki checking out the 3 week seasoning batch
Drifting Nicole: Coffee Snobs!
Drifting Nicole: I am going to tattoo the Intelli wings to my face
Drifting Nicole: Intelli Capp - 2 sips in.....
Drifting Nicole: Waiting for Spro
Drifting Nicole: Metropolis Coffee Shop
Drifting Nicole: Jonathan Arrow with a J
Drifting Nicole: Soon to be cupping/training lab in new Metropolis Roasterie
Drifting Nicole: This is where they keep the dead Asians
Drifting Nicole: Reference 'Big Ass Fan'
Drifting Nicole: The new digs for Metropolis
Drifting Nicole: Sweet machine
Drifting Nicole: Tea! Pike Place Market - Seattle
Drifting Nicole: Cupping at Cafe Imports
Drifting Nicole: Cupping Folgers and Starbucks....
Drifting Nicole: Refining my senses...
Drifting Nicole: Clancy breaking the crust
Drifting Nicole: Cupping Ethiopian @ Cuvee