DrGaz: Mad hatter on an anvil
DrGaz: Statues and shadows
DrGaz: Wooden head statue
DrGaz: Weird Round thing
DrGaz: Another totem pole
DrGaz: Pot array
DrGaz: Plant and Pots
DrGaz: Black and White Pots
DrGaz: Phone box
DrGaz: Decrepid Wall
DrGaz: Berry
DrGaz: Shrooms
DrGaz: Jimmy on a seat
DrGaz: Someone nicked the top of the head
DrGaz: people walking about
DrGaz: Headless man with big wheel thing
DrGaz: thing?
DrGaz: One ring...
DrGaz: Shadows
DrGaz: Canada Geese
DrGaz: Canada Geese
DrGaz: Geese
DrGaz: River
DrGaz: Standing on a sculpture
DrGaz: The sign telling you not to stand on teh sculpture
DrGaz: IMG_7133
DrGaz: House
DrGaz: Jimmy
DrGaz: Jimmy and a sculpture
DrGaz: Spinning