drewm: Rachel and Simon
drewm: Jon Hicks and Bruce Lawson
drewm: Elly, Meri, Stuart
drewm: Simon and John
drewm: Meri, Molly, Jeremy, Jessica
drewm: Jeremy and Jessica in Yellow
drewm: Jeremy and Jessica in Red
drewm: Leigh Hicks and Rachel Andrew
drewm: Elly, Meri, Jaffa Cakes, Molly
drewm: Jaffa Cakes, Molly, Jeremy, Jessica, Mustard
drewm: Jeremy, Jessica, Andy
drewm: Brie and caramalised onion panini
drewm: An ex-coffee
drewm: He crouches ...
drewm: ... he jumps!
drewm: Rachel
drewm: Elly and Meri
drewm: Past
drewm: Jeremy
drewm: Future
drewm: In touch
drewm: Elly, Meri, Molly, Rachel, Stuart
drewm: Caption Competition ...
drewm: Simon shows the assembled crowd exactly how he managed to crash the interactive exhibit whilst attempting to use keyboard shortcuts
drewm: Digital Boom
drewm: Discover Digital Sounds
drewm: Apple I
drewm: Stuard and Simon swap DNA stories
drewm: Meri, Elly and Rachel