drewish: 78620021
drewish: 78620020
drewish: 78620018
drewish: realized i didn't have any pictures of myself
drewish: free candy
drewish: yours truly
drewish: 78620004
drewish: the canadian
drewish: the polish bartener
drewish: they took the knife away quickly
drewish: 78600036
drewish: 78600035
drewish: 78600034
drewish: 78600029
drewish: 78600023
drewish: 78600022
drewish: 78600021
drewish: 78600020
drewish: towed
drewish: deconstruction
drewish: 78600017
drewish: 78600014
drewish: transit
drewish: trees in the roof
drewish: tearing down the post office
drewish: another tower
drewish: good lighting, soft focus