drewish: textTunes
drewish: textTunes
drewish: itunes says 69
drewish: textTunes
drewish: itunes say MIA
drewish: Finished 2-Sided POV
drewish: 2-Sided POV says: SPACEMAN
drewish: my bike wheel pov toy
drewish: before the hacking begins...
drewish: testing the fit
drewish: cut down to fit
drewish: the holes for optics and wheel
drewish: hole for cable
drewish: cuts for buttons
drewish: expoy-ing the base into the tin
drewish: looks good
drewish: making some extensions for the buttons
drewish: the completed minty mouse
drewish: bottom looks good
drewish: the inards
drewish: Rainboduino + FTDI FT232RL cable
drewish: TrianglePaint Screenshot 2014-12-16 22.58.47
drewish: SquarePerspectiveAppOutput