dreis: Arundel castle
dreis: Tower of Arundel castle
dreis: The keep of Arundel castle
dreis: Gate at Arundel
dreis: Winchester - cathedral nave
dreis: Winchester - cathedral crypt
dreis: Winchester - cathedral ceiling
dreis: Winchester - cathedral
dreis: Winchester - Great hall
dreis: Gravestone at Winchester cathedral
dreis: Halnaker windmill
dreis: Restormel castle
dreis: Restormel castle
dreis: Beach at Porlock Weir
dreis: Halnaker old mill
dreis: Wells - Cathedral
dreis: Wells - ancient gatehouse
dreis: Wells - Cathedral
dreis: Wells - Cathedral nave
dreis: Wells - Cathedral and green
dreis: Wells - cathedral chapter house
dreis: Wells - Cathedral
dreis: Wells - cathedral at night
dreis: Glastonbury tor
dreis: Glastonbury tor
dreis: Lulworth castle
dreis: Dartmoor - Merrivale stone row
dreis: Christchurch priory
dreis: Christchurch Priory
dreis: Christchurch Priory nave