luluinnyc | Amy Dreher:
Flatbush Farm Share CSA Week 2
luluinnyc | Amy Dreher:
Flatbush Farm Share CSA Week 2 - detail
luluinnyc | Amy Dreher:
Week 3: the half share.
luluinnyc | Amy Dreher:
Week four: The half share.
luluinnyc | Amy Dreher:
week 5: The half share.
luluinnyc | Amy Dreher:
The Half Share - Week 6
luluinnyc | Amy Dreher:
The half share, week 7
luluinnyc | Amy Dreher:
The half share, week 8.
luluinnyc | Amy Dreher:
luluinnyc | Amy Dreher:
the half share: week 9.
luluinnyc | Amy Dreher:
this week's half share (week 11)
luluinnyc | Amy Dreher:
luluinnyc | Amy Dreher:
The half share: week 12.
luluinnyc | Amy Dreher:
last week's half share.
luluinnyc | Amy Dreher:
the half share - week 16?
luluinnyc | Amy Dreher:
CSA Half share, week 17.
luluinnyc | Amy Dreher:
apples and pears, oh my.
luluinnyc | Amy Dreher:
The half share: week 18?
luluinnyc | Amy Dreher:
The Half Share: week 19
luluinnyc | Amy Dreher:
The Half Share: week 20
luluinnyc | Amy Dreher:
the half share, week 21
luluinnyc | Amy Dreher:
Flatbush Farm Share CSA 2010.
luluinnyc | Amy Dreher:
Week 3 half share
luluinnyc | Amy Dreher:
Week 4: partial, with eggs
luluinnyc | Amy Dreher:
Week 5: the half share.
luluinnyc | Amy Dreher:
week 6.
luluinnyc | Amy Dreher:
CSA week 7
luluinnyc | Amy Dreher:
half share, week 8
luluinnyc | Amy Dreher:
CSA week 10.
luluinnyc | Amy Dreher:
CSA week 11