DreamsOfNyssa: *tip-toes* {207/365}
DreamsOfNyssa: [Things I ♥ Thursday] Daffodils
DreamsOfNyssa: *it's all in the stripes* {223/365}
DreamsOfNyssa: January 2, 2010: All the world is birthday cake, so take a piece, but not too much
DreamsOfNyssa: Streeeeetch
DreamsOfNyssa: February 12, 2010: They say it's my birthday...
DreamsOfNyssa: *Do a little dance* {111/365}
DreamsOfNyssa: Back at the Vet
DreamsOfNyssa: My life is just one big pile of stuff.
DreamsOfNyssa: [Things I ♥ Thursday] Blue robin eggs
DreamsOfNyssa: [Things I ♥ Thursday] The changing leaves of autumn
DreamsOfNyssa: *filthy* {209/365}
DreamsOfNyssa: January 5, 2010: Your mind will answer most questions if you learn to relax and wait for the answer
DreamsOfNyssa: March 5, 2010: elegant repose
DreamsOfNyssa: [Things I ♥ Thursday] Flowering tree blossoms
DreamsOfNyssa: “Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today.”
DreamsOfNyssa: Spumoni {ripple}
DreamsOfNyssa: *toes are weird* {190/365}
DreamsOfNyssa: January 30, 2010: purple paradise
DreamsOfNyssa: ingredients
DreamsOfNyssa: January 7, 2010: Comic book Wednesday (on a Thursday)
DreamsOfNyssa: icad 2014 :: Index card a day No. 2
DreamsOfNyssa: January 9, 2010: Sweet slice of sugar
DreamsOfNyssa: Hi, my name is Olive. 🐱
DreamsOfNyssa: Index card a day No. 7
DreamsOfNyssa: August 10, 2015
DreamsOfNyssa: knitted spiral
DreamsOfNyssa: October 12, 2010
DreamsOfNyssa: “All you need is love. But a little chocolate now and then doesn't hurt.”