dreamsjung: What is the last thing that surprised you?
dreamsjung: Do you have a favorite person?
dreamsjung: Imagine you have no insecurities.
dreamsjung: Write down and quote your dad. here.
dreamsjung: What is your weakness?
dreamsjung: Write down and quote your Dad.here.
dreamsjung: What is the last thing that surprised you?
dreamsjung: What is your weakness?
dreamsjung: What's your favorite memory?
dreamsjung: Who has influenced you the most? Or, What has influenced you the most?
dreamsjung: What's your favorite memory?
dreamsjung: You are rich. What do you do?
dreamsjung: What's your favorite memory?
dreamsjung: You are rich, what do you do?
dreamsjung: What's your favorite memory?
dreamsjung: Who has influenced you the most? Or, what has influenced you the most?
dreamsjung: What's your favorite memory?
dreamsjung: You're a warrior. What's your weapon?
dreamsjung: You're a warrior. What's your weapon?
dreamsjung: What's your favorite pasttime?
dreamsjung: Strongest running theme for you?
dreamsjung: What's the last thing you invoked?
dreamsjung: You are a warrior. What is your weapon?
dreamsjung: What's your favorite pasttime?
dreamsjung: Strongest running theme for you?
dreamsjung: What's the last thing you invoked?
dreamsjung: What's your favorite pasttime?
dreamsjung: What were you like as a kid?
dreamsjung: question everybody Oly