Schmich Dreamproduction: old oscillating steel under a new summer sky@wuppertal
Schmich Dreamproduction: satellite launch pad@wuppertal
Schmich Dreamproduction: The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Wuppertal
Schmich Dreamproduction: cosmopolitan city of wuppertal
Schmich Dreamproduction: Ruhrgastronomie 2014
Schmich Dreamproduction: africa(r)@wuppertal
Schmich Dreamproduction: Wuppertaler Gastlichkeit
Schmich Dreamproduction: bleeding building@wuppertal
Schmich Dreamproduction: blue green cows
Schmich Dreamproduction: ne(r)o roman bridge@wuppertal
Schmich Dreamproduction: mirror@müngsten
Schmich Dreamproduction: bridge and moon and not high noon@müngsten
Schmich Dreamproduction: urban trawler@wuppertal
Schmich Dreamproduction: summertime@wuppertal beyenburg
Schmich Dreamproduction: wuppertal nocturne
Schmich Dreamproduction: space invaders@wuppertal
Schmich Dreamproduction: urban metal traffic prism
Schmich Dreamproduction: town hall@wuppertal by christoph schmich