cheesemonster: Spewing out butterflies for the goodness of mankind
cheesemonster: Kutná Hora hlavní nádraží (main train station platform sign)
cheesemonster: Tower of skulls
cheesemonster: DON'T TOUCH!
cheesemonster: Cavern of skulls
cheesemonster: Creepiness over clarity
cheesemonster: Just hanging about
cheesemonster: skull decorations
cheesemonster: Coin offering
cheesemonster: Skullduggery
cheesemonster: Balcony of bones
cheesemonster: Souvenir of undisciplined tourist!
cheesemonster: Horni chapel!
cheesemonster: Competing for attention
cheesemonster: Kid's crossing
cheesemonster: Poster remnants of yesteryear
cheesemonster: Kutná Hora old town
cheesemonster: No name bar!?
cheesemonster: Warm wood fired fire in Dačickýs
cheesemonster: Beer with mead
cheesemonster: Ghoulash soup served in a bread bowl
cheesemonster: Castle potatoes
cheesemonster: Moravian smoked pork, spinach and more bloody dumplings!!!
cheesemonster: Restaurace Dačický
cheesemonster: 2 road signs suspiciously meeting at a street corner
cheesemonster: Sally eats D...
cheesemonster: Sally sux
cheesemonster: Chram sv.Barbory (Saint Barbara Church) Gargoyles
cheesemonster: Mind you don't slip now!
cheesemonster: Frosty window of delights