cheesemonster: Bratislava tram
cheesemonster: Wee red man
cheesemonster: Our Hotel Kyjev bathroom
cheesemonster: Our Hotel Kyjev bedroom
cheesemonster: Hotel Kyjev corridor
cheesemonster: Hotel Kyjev chair
cheesemonster: Kofola bottle
cheesemonster: View from Hotel Kyjev stairwell
cheesemonster: Elvis crossing or cool people walk here?
cheesemonster: DSC00443
cheesemonster: DSC00446
cheesemonster: Market stalls
cheesemonster: Fine and dandy
cheesemonster: Rubberneck AKA The Gaffer
cheesemonster: Rubberneck AKA The Gaffer
cheesemonster: Man at work
cheesemonster: See you Optic?
cheesemonster: Another man at,
cheesemonster: Monument at Namestie L Stura
cheesemonster: Daku Jeme
cheesemonster: The UFO bar above Nový Most
cheesemonster: Passageway
cheesemonster: A smashing window
cheesemonster: L303 / 8
cheesemonster: Bin & Window
cheesemonster: Doorway
cheesemonster: Dunno about you but when I think of pharmacies I think of lobsters
cheesemonster: This old house...