dreamexplorer: IMG_1342-Smooth Rock Tripe lichen (Umbilicaria mammulata)
dreamexplorer: IMG_1275-mushrooms
dreamexplorer: IMG_1496-Campbell-Stokes recorder, sun tracker
dreamexplorer: IMG_1420-Winter moth (Operophtera brumata) on red pine bark
dreamexplorer: IMG_1218-urban nature walk december
dreamexplorer: IMG_1236-Beech drops (Epifagus americana) parasitic plant
dreamexplorer: IMG_1192-squirrel tracks in the snow
dreamexplorer: IMG_1622-mushrooms with webbing
dreamexplorer: IMG_1188-otter
dreamexplorer: IMG_1179-otter
dreamexplorer: IMG_1171-lichen field guide
dreamexplorer: IMG_1615-moss
dreamexplorer: IMG_1610-Snow fleas (Hypogastura harveyi) in the snow
dreamexplorer: IMG_1603-Snow fleas (Hypogastura harveyi) in the snow
dreamexplorer: IMG_1583-Snow fleas (Hypogastura harveyi) in the snow
dreamexplorer: IMG_1565-Snow fleas (Hypogastura harveyi) in the snow
dreamexplorer: IMG_1561-Snow fleas (Hypogastura harveyi) in the snow
dreamexplorer: IMG_1549-lichen
dreamexplorer: IMG_1548-lichen
dreamexplorer: IMG_1544-lichen
dreamexplorer: IMG_1543-lichen
dreamexplorer: IMG_1540-vernal pool
dreamexplorer: IMG_1537-scrub pine
dreamexplorer: IMG_1535-snowy branches
dreamexplorer: IMG_1532-snow
dreamexplorer: IMG_1528-tree
dreamexplorer: IMG_1527-possible fisher tracks with tail drag
dreamexplorer: IMG_1525-possible fisher tracks
dreamexplorer: IMG_1523-tracks
dreamexplorer: IMG_1518-tracks