SacredSelkie: The Cooper at work
SacredSelkie: the cooper - portrait
SacredSelkie: fences
SacredSelkie: a labor of love
SacredSelkie: in the old carding room
SacredSelkie: farm in early spring
SacredSelkie: in the grist mill
SacredSelkie: Antiqued cupboard
SacredSelkie: Cheese cupboard
SacredSelkie: door latch
SacredSelkie: Inside the covered bridge
SacredSelkie: In the sawmill sepia
SacredSelkie: bridge shadows
SacredSelkie: MOOOOOOOO
SacredSelkie: Decorative entrance B&W
SacredSelkie: above the door
SacredSelkie: Gentle woman smiling and knitting
SacredSelkie: Mrs. Childs, knitting
SacredSelkie: Mrs. Childs portrait
SacredSelkie: Mrs. Childs
SacredSelkie: pots in the winter sun
SacredSelkie: Looking toward the potter's
SacredSelkie: kiln 2
SacredSelkie: loom sepia
SacredSelkie: game over - b&W
SacredSelkie: 1830's traditional sitting room - yes, they really were that colorful!
SacredSelkie: checkers