Dreamdancer_77: There has to be tidiness
Dreamdancer_77: The rusty hallway
Dreamdancer_77: Rusty drilling machine
Dreamdancer_77: VEB (K) MHB
Dreamdancer_77: Fan heater
Dreamdancer_77: Tubular construction
Dreamdancer_77: Type plate of chiller engine
Dreamdancer_77: Shower room
Dreamdancer_77: Rusty boiler
Dreamdancer_77: Runway beacons - ready for take off
Dreamdancer_77: Light Painting
Dreamdancer_77: Light Painting
Dreamdancer_77: Light Painting
Dreamdancer_77: Light Painting
Dreamdancer_77: Stationary engine
Dreamdancer_77: Stationary engine
Dreamdancer_77: Unhinged
Dreamdancer_77: Hallway to hell
Dreamdancer_77: Close the door!
Dreamdancer_77: Extinguisher
Dreamdancer_77: Glowing mould
Dreamdancer_77: Forklift
Dreamdancer_77: A good quality year
Dreamdancer_77: Deposit bottles
Dreamdancer_77: Caution! Risk of electric current injury!
Dreamdancer_77: Fuse box
Dreamdancer_77: In the dark
Dreamdancer_77: Turned off
Dreamdancer_77: kg/h fl. NH
Dreamdancer_77: The three valves