Dreamcasting Life:
I’m on Instagram 😉 www.instagram.com/dreamcastinglife #instagram #dreamcastinglife #videogames #gaming #fan #stories #rangers #life
Dreamcasting Life:
That moment when you find an A++ seller on EBay. Thanks so much Tiffany and I hope everything’s better now 👏💪👍 Merry Christmas to you too. #sega #segadreamcast #dreamcast #dreamcastgames #skiesofarcadia #rpg #finalfantasy #gamecube #
Dreamcasting Life:
Playing Galaga at @walmartpr . #arcade #arcadegames #arcade1up #galaga #videogames #gaming #retrogaming
Dreamcasting Life:
Super Smash Bros Ultimate promo on Walmart. Never been a huge follower of the franchise but it’s good to see it as good as ever. #nintendoswitch #nintendo #supersmashbros
Dreamcasting Life:
The best Spider-Man game on one of the best gaming systems. #Dreamcast #Spiderman2000game #spidermanonsegadreamcast #sega #vmu
Dreamcasting Life:
Hey, I think I found my game. #videogames #gaming #games #nintendo #nintendods
Dreamcasting Life:
A new game for a “discontinued” console. #sega #segadreamcast #dreamcast #duxgame #dux #videogames #gaming #retrogaming #filterra
Dreamcasting Life:
Can’t describe how cool is this. #Videogames #Gaming #Arcade #Atari
Dreamcasting Life:
Finally!!!! #Nintendo #NintendoSwitch #Youtube
Dreamcasting Life:
Finally I decided to buy one of the series. #CallOfDuty #BlackOps #PS3 #Videogames #Gaming
Dreamcasting Life:
Love this game! #MegatonRainfall #nintendo #nintendoswitch #switch #videogames #gaming
Dreamcasting Life:
“Her silent beauty” (A better description of it and a little bit of history here: https://instagram.com/p/BozkOc9jRSm/ ) #pencil #pencildrawing #art #hersilentbeauty
Dreamcasting Life:
It will be just batteries...I said. 😂 #JurassicPark #TheLittlePrince
Dreamcasting Life:
My little treasure. #powerrangers #power #powermorpher #tyrannosaurus #redranger
Dreamcasting Life:
My little friend. #SJCAM #actioncamera #camera
Dreamcasting Life:
A little bit of “art” I did years ago. I know it’s not great, but at least I did something 😂 #rurounikenshin #drawing #art #pencil #anime
Dreamcasting Life:
At the @comic_fest_aguada_con . (The cameraman wasn’t injured during the filming). #spiderman #greengoblin #aguadacon2018 #aguada #comiccon #puertorico🇵🇷
Dreamcasting Life:
One year ago...#NeverForget #hurricanemaria2017 #puertorico #2017 #Hurricane
Dreamcasting Life:
Not everyday you have the opportunity to meet one of your childhood heroes. Last weekend at Aguada Comic Fest. #Aguada #PuertoRico #PowerRangers #BlackRanger #WalterJones #Morpher #PowerMorpher #Mastodon
Dreamcasting Life:
Can you guess what is this?...⚡️⚡️⚡️ #Replica
Dreamcasting Life:
It was so cute I couldn’t left without it. #jurassicworld #chrispratt #actionfigure #dinosaur #velociraptor #jurassicpark
Dreamcasting Life:
So it exists! #Jumanji #Game #Classic #Jungle #PictureOfTheDay
Dreamcasting Life:
Dr Pepper, my favorite drink (kinda hard to find in Puerto Rico) Glass from 1977. #DrPepper
Dreamcasting Life:
What I’m playing. Still I don’t get used to Nintendo Switch’s control for Crash Bandicoot 😂 #RetrogamerProblems #Retrogaming #Nintendo #NintendoSwitch #CrashBandicoot
Dreamcasting Life:
Hey followers. After months (or maybe years) of consideration, I’ve decided to open an Instagram account. You can follow me there also, same username. And no, I’m not gonna leave Flickr...😊 #Instagram #SEGA #DreamcastingLife
Dreamcasting Life:
This marks the end of a lifecycle. The last cherry tomatoes from the plant that survived Hurricane María. One year of delicious tomatoes. #CherryTomato
Dreamcasting Life:
Trying to catch up...#NintendoSwitch
Dreamcasting Life:
Do you see it smiling at you, or it’s just me? 😂 #Pizza #PapaJohns
Dreamcasting Life:
I think they’re looking great. #Tomato
Dreamcasting Life:
I think they’re looking great. #Tomato