dreadyboy: Nice sign
dreadyboy: The only thing spookier than a karreoke bar is a empty one where the (bad) instrumental music of Abba blasts away
dreadyboy: Endnu en præsentation
dreadyboy: Marit and me
dreadyboy: What a great view
dreadyboy: Lossi plats
dreadyboy: Marit in front of Chrome building
dreadyboy: Ruin like building
dreadyboy: Gaming during conference
dreadyboy: vebhaus.com
dreadyboy: Smiling
dreadyboy: the Guys
dreadyboy: Karin - our splendid guide through the workshop
dreadyboy: Karin and Michael
dreadyboy: Dinner conversation
dreadyboy: Dinner conversation
dreadyboy: Half Arvid and Kristina
dreadyboy: Me with my spledid dessert
dreadyboy: Arvid
dreadyboy: Autoflickering
dreadyboy: Roasted wild boar
dreadyboy: Me enjoying my roasted pork with saurkraut, elderberry and potatoes
dreadyboy: Björn and his roasted Wild Boar
dreadyboy: Some Swedes ;-)
dreadyboy: Grandma's place
dreadyboy: Morgenmad på Cafe
dreadyboy: Ups! måske skulle billedet være lidt mere inspirerende
dreadyboy: Me presenting my research
dreadyboy: Tor and Marit
dreadyboy: Kerstin and Kristine (and Charles' beer)