Dread Pirate Ruth: across the river
Dread Pirate Ruth: the view from piazza Michelangelo
Dread Pirate Ruth: the pigeon chaser
Dread Pirate Ruth: hello, Italy
Dread Pirate Ruth: in the distance
Dread Pirate Ruth: canals galore
Dread Pirate Ruth: evening in San Marco
Dread Pirate Ruth: italy in a nutshell?
Dread Pirate Ruth: fresh veggies
Dread Pirate Ruth: in awe of Venice
Dread Pirate Ruth: walkway outside the ducal palace
Dread Pirate Ruth: statues, giotto's church
Dread Pirate Ruth: the adriatic sea through my sunglasses
Dread Pirate Ruth: arch, laundry, bicycle
Dread Pirate Ruth: quite a back yard
Dread Pirate Ruth: Lighthouse
Dread Pirate Ruth: gondola ride into the sunset