dreadpirategreyson: Welcome to Florida...
dreadpirategreyson: Altar of Fire
dreadpirategreyson: Altar and artist
dreadpirategreyson: Altar and artist 2
dreadpirategreyson: Big badda boom
dreadpirategreyson: Boys and their toys
dreadpirategreyson: The aftermath
dreadpirategreyson: Exhausted!
dreadpirategreyson: Vehicle Assembly Building
dreadpirategreyson: Launch Complex 39
dreadpirategreyson: Launch Complex 39-B
dreadpirategreyson: Launch Complex 39 B
dreadpirategreyson: Three musketeers
dreadpirategreyson: Very big road
dreadpirategreyson: Vehicle Assembly Building
dreadpirategreyson: I work here!
dreadpirategreyson: And I work here!
dreadpirategreyson: It goes on and on...