David Kramer Photography: Me @ Arce de la Victoria
David Kramer Photography: Vader is my Homeboy
David Kramer Photography: This would make the difference
David Kramer Photography: The face, it burns..
David Kramer Photography: Always look over your shoulder..
David Kramer Photography: The burning Stare
David Kramer Photography: Bananalternate
David Kramer Photography: Hey, I'm looking at you!
David Kramer Photography: Dam tot Dam 2009 Afterparty
David Kramer Photography: It's about the love..
David Kramer Photography: It's in the eye of the beholder
David Kramer Photography: Reflective Beardness
David Kramer Photography: Opening Kramer Kunst & Antiek
David Kramer Photography: Opening Kramer Kunst & Antiek
David Kramer Photography: Opening Kramer Kunst & Antiek
David Kramer Photography: Alles komt voort uit het donker..
David Kramer Photography: 002/365 Omnious these parts are.
David Kramer Photography: I tree I tree what you can't tree
David Kramer Photography: Foggy Woodsman
David Kramer Photography: 006/365 I can see into your soul