zampano!!!: Afternoon in Quito
zampano!!!: National Museum of Ecuador
zampano!!!: Quito hillside neighborhood
zampano!!!: Virgin of Quito
zampano!!!: Iglesia in Quito
zampano!!!: Setting up for Miss Universe in Quito
zampano!!!: Setting up for Miss Universe in Quito
zampano!!!: Plaza in Quito
zampano!!!: Oil trucks on the Napo
zampano!!!: Canoeing in the Amazon
zampano!!!: Looking for caimens
zampano!!!: Tempting the piranhas and caimens
zampano!!!: Em at Sacha in the Oriente
zampano!!!: Amazon sunset
zampano!!!: Wellingtons
zampano!!!: Tirantula
zampano!!!: Friendly bird that pecks your foot for food
zampano!!!: Squirrel monkey
zampano!!!: Above the canopy in the Amazon
zampano!!!: Sweet treehouse!
zampano!!!: Leaf-cutter ants hard at work
zampano!!!: Ridin' a zipline
zampano!!!: Bothering a tirantula
zampano!!!: Chillaxin' on a humid Amazon afternoon
zampano!!!: Rainforest garden
zampano!!!: Butterfly eating Em
zampano!!!: Can you see them?
zampano!!!: The infamous walking tree
zampano!!!: Parrot lick (without parrots)
zampano!!!: House on the Napo