zampano!!!: 1800s graffiti from carbide lamps at Sterkfontein, South Africa
zampano!!!: 1800s graffiti from carbide lamps at Sterkfontein, South Africa
zampano!!!: Crypt at the base of the Vortrekker Monument, Pretoria, South Africa
zampano!!!: View of Pretoria from the Vortrekker Monument
zampano!!!: Vortrekker Monument
zampano!!!: Camp at Khubu la dintsa for the Phekolo, Botswana
zampano!!!: O'boy and Thato at Khubu la dintsa
zampano!!!: This meat was tasty
zampano!!!: Thato interviewing Rampapo at his compound
zampano!!!: Using meat to transport meat
zampano!!!: Winter meat storage
zampano!!!: Phekolo ceremony at Khuba la dintsa
zampano!!!: Phekolo ceremony
zampano!!!: Beer for the ancestors
zampano!!!: O'boy, Me and Mothofela, 6 AM, freezing cold
zampano!!!: Sorghum-eating insect
zampano!!!: Just a tree
zampano!!!: From all of the plastic sacks where its stomach and intestines should be, it is pretty clear why this goat died.
zampano!!!: View of the thornveld
zampano!!!: Old house foundations
zampano!!!: Climbing hills in Moshupa
zampano!!!: O'boy warming lunch, Lawrence reading the paper, the cow smelling cooked beef
zampano!!!: Excavating at Mmamohuhumedi shelter, Moshupa
zampano!!!: Rock paintings at Manyana, Botswana
zampano!!!: Manyana, Botswana
zampano!!!: Manyana, Botswana
zampano!!!: Manyana, Botswana
zampano!!!: Giraffes
zampano!!!: Law in Manyana
zampano!!!: Manyana, Botswana