zampano!!!: Wrangell-St. Elias national park
zampano!!!: Camping hobo-style under a bridge
zampano!!!: Copper river
zampano!!!: Fish wheels on the Copper river
zampano!!!: Who knew that it was cold and rainy in Alaska?!
zampano!!!: Into Wrangell-St. Elias
zampano!!!: I was warned not to get very close to a glacier
zampano!!!: Bridal Veil falls
zampano!!!: On our way to Valdez
zampano!!!: I think there are some salmon here
zampano!!!: Old gold mine
zampano!!!: Mine cart track
zampano!!!: One of the gates to hell
zampano!!!: Rare view of Mt. Denali (or Mt. McKinley for you native american haters)
zampano!!!: Tundra in Denali National Park
zampano!!!: Caribou
zampano!!!: Moose
zampano!!!: Back indoors for a night with a sweet view on the Homer Spit
zampano!!!: 200+ lb. halibut in Homer
zampano!!!: View down the Homer Spit
zampano!!!: FSBO in Homer
zampano!!!: View of Homer Spit and Cohen island in distance
zampano!!!: Me, some whale bones and a dog named blue
zampano!!!: Camping in Glacier Bay National Park
zampano!!!: Tree with a face
zampano!!!: Boarding a tin can with wings
zampano!!!: Boarding our ferry from Auk Bay