DrCamel: Duxford Aerodrome Reflections
DrCamel: Duxford Aerodrome Rear
DrCamel: Wires
DrCamel: Junkers 52 German Troop Plane
DrCamel: Gaddesden Place Basement
DrCamel: Washing machine drum
DrCamel: Tag Resting
DrCamel: Lamp
DrCamel: Roof
DrCamel: Duxford Aerodrome
DrCamel: Lloyds Building Staircase in Black and White
DrCamel: More London Building in black and white
DrCamel: Gherkin in black and white
DrCamel: Just Hanging
DrCamel: Manic Eyes
DrCamel: The all powerful Nunzilla
DrCamel: Lamp
DrCamel: Millenium Bridge
DrCamel: Spiral Staircase
DrCamel: More Spirals
DrCamel: 60 Seconds
DrCamel: 18:00
DrCamel: Guildhall Art Gallery
DrCamel: Emerging from Bank
DrCamel: London cabs near Royal Exchange
DrCamel: Guardians of Tower 42 - Black and White
DrCamel: Background Gherkin
DrCamel: Steps of the Royal Exchange
DrCamel: Bank
DrCamel: Millenium Bridge