Gareth Bellamy: Yer never gonna catch me copper!
Gareth Bellamy: Hey, outta the way already!
Gareth Bellamy: Driving with toes
Gareth Bellamy: When children meet Skodas
Gareth Bellamy: Bluebell Railway, Sussex
Gareth Bellamy: Arla Sucks
Gareth Bellamy: DSC_0111
Gareth Bellamy: Hunting for firewood
Gareth Bellamy: Full on Ray Mears action
Gareth Bellamy: Tent wrestling
Gareth Bellamy: DSC_0094
Gareth Bellamy: Campfire
Gareth Bellamy: Campfire
Gareth Bellamy: Campfire
Gareth Bellamy: DSC_0049
Gareth Bellamy: DSC_0034
Gareth Bellamy: Novel welly boot drying system
Gareth Bellamy: DSC_0015
Gareth Bellamy: DSC_0011
Gareth Bellamy: DSC_0009
Gareth Bellamy: DSC_0007
Gareth Bellamy: DSC_0004