draxil: This cat is silly
draxil: SAM_3118
draxil: Cat B
draxil: SAM_2967
draxil: SAM_2969
draxil: SAM_3027
draxil: Chiana of the day.. (1st of June)
draxil: These two are not snow fans...
draxil: Slightly blurry, but a rare truce has broken out!
draxil: Chiana
draxil: Chi's hiding places: Esk's catbox
draxil: I think they want something...
draxil: Cheeps in the command chair
draxil: Ahhh!
draxil: Lightly toasted cheeps
draxil: Boxcat revisited
draxil: Chi's hiding places: outside the bedroom window..
draxil: Chi's hiding places: outside the bedroom window..
draxil: Chi's hiding places: outside the bedroom window..
draxil: Chi's hiding places: outside the bedroom window..
draxil: Chi's hiding places: any sunny window sill
draxil: Chi's hiding places: Anywhere she can be a black cat on a black background
draxil: Chi's Hiding Places: The very back of the blanket cupboard
draxil: Chi's hiding places: in the bed
draxil: Chi's hiding places: canvas bag under the bed
draxil: Ridiculous
draxil: Blurry christmas Chiana (and Dani)
draxil: Perfectly hidden cat
draxil: IMG_3199
draxil: IMG_3201