Norma Desmond: sexy boots
Norma Desmond: bridgehaugh cottage
Norma Desmond: yeah cool!
Norma Desmond: filling up...
Norma Desmond: the launch...
Norma Desmond: the descent...
Norma Desmond: abbey
Norma Desmond: mystery
Norma Desmond: the timer is set
Norma Desmond: hey - did you just take one of me?
Norma Desmond: the knight in action
Norma Desmond: canon and balls
Norma Desmond: going home
Norma Desmond: a light wind
Norma Desmond: silly things
Norma Desmond: impermanence...
Norma Desmond: I'm looking for the truth
Norma Desmond: bluff and false courage
Norma Desmond: flying knight
Norma Desmond: cold...
Norma Desmond: tayne
Norma Desmond: wallace monument
Norma Desmond: bell tower