Norma Desmond: the philosopher and the poet
Norma Desmond: two sides to every story
Norma Desmond: searching for diamonds in the sulphur mine
Norma Desmond: tasteful
Norma Desmond: the kiss
Norma Desmond: human nature
Norma Desmond: meaning of life
Norma Desmond: Phone home
Norma Desmond: model from heaven
Norma Desmond: soulful
Norma Desmond: senses
Norma Desmond: a form of speech
Norma Desmond: express yourself
Norma Desmond: with grace
Norma Desmond: the other fish fear you
Norma Desmond: only in dreams
Norma Desmond: pale & interesting
Norma Desmond: hear my soul speak
Norma Desmond: can't you read
Norma Desmond: aspiring snow queen
Norma Desmond: intermittant shafts of light
Norma Desmond: make school make sense!!!!
Norma Desmond: everybody hurts
Norma Desmond: camel driver
Norma Desmond: elegance
Norma Desmond: captain my captain
Norma Desmond: bad angel
Norma Desmond: only shine
Norma Desmond: looking for meaning...
Norma Desmond: waterboy