dramafreezone: Potassium
dramafreezone: livestrong
dramafreezone: did not get the memo....is it winter yet?
dramafreezone: you must be the change you wish to see in the world "Mahatma Ghandi"
dramafreezone: every blade of grass has its angel that bends over it and whispers, "grow, grow" ....The Talmud
dramafreezone: there is no such thing in anyone's life as an unimportant day "Alexander Woolcott"
dramafreezone: if you cannot be a poet, be the poem."David Carradine"
dramafreezone: SISTER.......
dramafreezone: oh my ...it's crowded
dramafreezone: DO NOT TOUCH ~_^
dramafreezone: so beautiful colors
dramafreezone: looks like a lion ^_^
dramafreezone: siempre viva
dramafreezone: "IT WAS ALL YELLOW"
dramafreezone: NATURE GOTTA LUV IT
dramafreezone: "APOLOGY"
dramafreezone: aaaaahhh so cute
dramafreezone: mmm little dry
dramafreezone: U R MY SUNSHINE....
dramafreezone: B R E A K F A S T * C A S U A L T Y
dramafreezone: "We must live as we think, otherwise we shall end up by thinking as we have lived."
dramafreezone: A M I S T A D **