Ted Drake: Beau and the Kraken
Ted Drake: Beau and the Kraken
Ted Drake: Beau and the Kraken
Ted Drake: Beau does not like the Kraken
Ted Drake: Beau in his grassy run
Ted Drake: palm trees and sky
Ted Drake: Beau and Jim
Ted Drake: Beau and Jim
Ted Drake: Free hugs cancelled
Ted Drake: Inmate 45
Ted Drake: Free anal bleaching with vaccine
Ted Drake: Beau with his shaking toy
Ted Drake: elephant shadow
Ted Drake: 4x5 camera adapter
Ted Drake: 4x5 camera adapter
Ted Drake: 4x5 camera adapter
Ted Drake: slow motion of Beau shaking water off his back
Ted Drake: Beau
Ted Drake: double beau
Ted Drake: the holy trinity
Ted Drake: shadow puppy
Ted Drake: It's my ball and I'll growl if I want to
Ted Drake: Nobody touches the green ball