✠ drakegoodman ✠: Seitengewehr 1914 Models by Ian Jackson
✠ drakegoodman ✠: German combat knives 1914 - 1945 by Christian Méry
✠ drakegoodman ✠: "Both Sides of the Wire"
✠ drakegoodman ✠: Ataki gazowe w bitwie pozycyjnej 9. Armii Niemieckiej nad Rawką i Bzurą 1914-1915
✠ drakegoodman ✠: Fokker Eindekker Compendium 1 by Josef Scott
✠ drakegoodman ✠: Fokker Eindekker Compendium 2 by Josef Scott
✠ drakegoodman ✠: The Devil's Paintbrush - Sir Hiram Maxim's Gun by Dolf Goldsmith
✠ drakegoodman ✠: The Devil's Paintbrush - Sir Hiram Maxim's Gun by Dolf Goldsmith sample page
✠ drakegoodman ✠: Cover of "La Guerre 14 - 18 magazine". (La bataille du mont Kemmel avril 1918).
✠ drakegoodman ✠: "Race, Empire and First World War Writing"
✠ drakegoodman ✠: Wartime Magazine Issue 63 - The official magazine of the Australian War Memorial
✠ drakegoodman ✠: Les Baïonnettes Ersatz Allemandes by Christian Méry
✠ drakegoodman ✠: Volume 2 - The Imperial German Armies In Field Grey: Seen Through Period Photographs 1907 - 1918 by Johan Somers
✠ drakegoodman ✠: Carl Menckhoff - Reminiscenses of war and captivity. A Knight of the Pour le Mérite. Edited with commentaries by Dr. Hannes Täger
✠ drakegoodman ✠: Britain At War magazine - A smashing read!
✠ drakegoodman ✠: Das Alpenkorps an der Dolomiten-Front 1915. Mythos und Realität - Immanuel Voigt
✠ drakegoodman ✠: The Sky Their Battlefield II - Trevor Henshaw
✠ drakegoodman ✠: The Sky Their Battlefield II
✠ drakegoodman ✠: British Aviation Squadron Markings of World War 1 - Les Rogers
✠ drakegoodman ✠: The Alpine Corps on the Dolomite Front 1915 - Myth and reality.
✠ drakegoodman ✠: Bloody Paralyser: The Giant Handley Page Bombers of the First World War
✠ drakegoodman ✠: The Kaiser's Army by David Stone
✠ drakegoodman ✠: For Valour: Australians awarded the Victoria Cross Aaron Pegram, Craig Blanch
✠ drakegoodman ✠: German Amateur Photographers in the First World War: A View from the Trenches on the Western Front - Sebastian Remus
✠ drakegoodman ✠: Surviving the Great War - Australian Prisoners of War on the Western Front, 1916 - 18
✠ drakegoodman ✠: Cover of Kaiserzeit : Bilder einer Epoche
✠ drakegoodman ✠: Iron Cross Magazine featuring the superb "The Turncoat Armour of WW1" article
✠ drakegoodman ✠: Gas Warfare in the First World War
✠ drakegoodman ✠: Gas Warfare in the First World War