dragonflytz: A-bomb Dome
dragonflytz: Gembaku Domu
dragonflytz: IMG_4717.jpg
dragonflytz: IMG_4720_2.jpg
dragonflytz: Children's Peace Memorial
dragonflytz: Children's Peace Memorial
dragonflytz: Paper cranes
dragonflytz: Paper cranes
dragonflytz: Paper Cranes
dragonflytz: Children's Peace Memorial
dragonflytz: Cenotaph for the A-bomb Victims with view of A-bomb Dome in distance
dragonflytz: Cenotaph fort he A-bomb Victims
dragonflytz: Memorial Tower to the Mobilized Students
dragonflytz: Goddess of Peace on the Mobilized Students Memorial
dragonflytz: Paper cranes
dragonflytz: Sepia A-bomb Dome
dragonflytz: Gate to Hiroshima Castle
dragonflytz: Hiroshima-jo
dragonflytz: Fountain
dragonflytz: A-Bomb Dome at night
dragonflytz: A-bomb Dome at night
dragonflytz: IMG_4911_2.jpg