Dragon CD: Sunrise of Erhai Lake
Dragon CD: Sunrise of Erhai Lake
Dragon CD: Startrail,Dali/第一天在旅馆楼顶拍的星轨
Dragon CD: Qilongchi Waterfall, Cangshan Mountain, Dali/苍山七龙池瀑布群,大理
Dragon CD: Sunrise of Erhai Lake/洱海日出
Dragon CD: Erhai Lake
Dragon CD: flower on the Haishe Island
Dragon CD: 龙龛码头的鸟儿/ Bird walk on the Longkan Wharf,Dali
Dragon CD: 才村码头的鸬鹚/ Cormorant, Caicun Wharf, Dali
Dragon CD: Waves, Erhai Lake, Dali
Dragon CD: Three towers of the Chongsheng Temple, Dali
Dragon CD: huge Chinese chessboard in Cangshan Mountain, Dali / 苍山索道旁的巨型棋盘
Dragon CD: Typical Bai design house in Xizhou Town, Dali/喜州古镇民居,大理
Dragon CD: Old lady in the house,Dali/古镇小院的老人
Dragon CD: Ship on Erhai / 洱海的第一班游船
Dragon CD: Grass / 洱海湖畔的草丛
Dragon CD: Good morning, greylags / 日出后才起床的灰雁们
Dragon CD: Fields of Haishe Island / 海舌岛上的农田