KBAR0341: Don at the Crossed Sabers
KBAR0341: Raising the colors
KBAR0341: Front gate guard at the Bunker
KBAR0341: 1st Squad 5 MAY 04
KBAR0341: Benny
KBAR0341: 81st BDE 1st Cav Division Patch
KBAR0341: Tower 7
KBAR0341: JD NAC - Aftermath of a firefight
KBAR0341: Weapons Cache
KBAR0341: Obligatory soldier with weapons cache pic
KBAR0341: Brothers
KBAR0341: Doc Marshal
KBAR0341: Platoon pic at Yellowcake, late June 04
KBAR0341: Doc Phil
KBAR0341: Jeremiah Schmunk
KBAR0341: Meet the press
KBAR0341: Overwatch
KBAR0341: Chillin'
KBAR0341: Sanders giving Booth a coin
KBAR0341: Meatheads
KBAR0341: The boys
KBAR0341: I can't drive 55 ...
KBAR0341: Roush at the CASH
KBAR0341: Tower 7 facing south
KBAR0341: Tower 7 with 'Space Needle' in background
KBAR0341: Brablec chilling at Cuervo Freedom Rest
KBAR0341: Poker Night
KBAR0341: Ryan and Ahmed
KBAR0341: Jisr Diyala Marketplace
KBAR0341: Jimmy P