VisualsDiary: Mushroom Story
VisualsDiary: Mushroom Story
VisualsDiary: Mushroom Story
VisualsDiary: Mushroom Story
VisualsDiary: Mushroom Story
VisualsDiary: Leaf Story
VisualsDiary: Photography teaches that how well you see has nothing to do with how well you see. - Anonymous
VisualsDiary: Do not concern yourself with the questions, "What is art?" or "Who is an artist?" Everything is art. If what you see and do comes from your heart, you are an artist.
VisualsDiary: I only photograph what is real. no judgement.
VisualsDiary: You're suddenly seeing the coherence and the interconnectedness of everything, left to right, top to bottom, front to back. It's all connected, and, somehow, it's all in balance. It's Life.
VisualsDiary: Saturate yourself with your subject and the camera will all but take you by the hand. - Margaret Bourke-White
VisualsDiary: "Too often in life we pass by important things. Let's pause, change perspective and see things more clearly." - Sergio da Silva - From the book "Water, Mirror of the World"
VisualsDiary: Photography are minatures of reality that anyone can make or acquire.
VisualsDiary: A photograph is not an accident – it is a concept. - Ansel Adams
VisualsDiary: Songs I sing, Images I compose. Compositions What I feel
VisualsDiary: In Search of Days behind that Mountain !!
VisualsDiary: Watch Breath Freeze Focus Click Compose and Breath.
VisualsDiary: Skill in photography is acquired by practice and not by purchase.
VisualsDiary: There are certain gateways you keep waiting for. Photography is one of them.
VisualsDiary: Over the Period, I'm learning to identify the elements of composition. The Nature gives you a beautiful vision which you need to translate into human senses. Very few time I was successful to transform myself to recognize those instincts in a pure form.
VisualsDiary: Choose your path. Follow the wisdom and passion.
VisualsDiary: I have gradually develop understanding about photography with Life.
VisualsDiary: A Leaf Story - Close to Nature
VisualsDiary: Feelings of Touch: A Leaf Story
VisualsDiary: Our job is to record, each in his own way, this world of light and shadow and time that will never come again exactly as it is today. - Edward Abbey
VisualsDiary: Most of the times, I have a reason to take photographs.
VisualsDiary: Mood of Lonesomeness. I found pleasure when I found Nature.
VisualsDiary: Extension of Self. Two sides but not other-sides.
VisualsDiary: Conscious Conclusion
VisualsDiary: | ગ્રીષ્મ | Summer