DQmountaingirl: Week 34/52 Our last night at the cabin on Swan Lake, MN.
DQmountaingirl: Our Badlands campsite
DQmountaingirl: getting found
DQmountaingirl: Theo playing hide and seek
DQmountaingirl: Playing hide an seek
DQmountaingirl: Theo smiles for the camera
DQmountaingirl: kindof a family shot
DQmountaingirl: Walking through the forest on her own
DQmountaingirl: Growing their roots
DQmountaingirl: Theo at the end of the trail
DQmountaingirl: Auntie Wendy and Theo
DQmountaingirl: Cashie and Auntie
DQmountaingirl: Theo with a little sepia
DQmountaingirl: My monkey boy
DQmountaingirl: Happy about having another picture taken
DQmountaingirl: Auntie Wendy and Teddy walking along
DQmountaingirl: On the hiking trail
DQmountaingirl: Theo, On the hiking trail
DQmountaingirl: Adi and Theo in Nebraska
DQmountaingirl: A little PIT STOP
DQmountaingirl: Nebraska's Sand Hills
DQmountaingirl: I would have been terrified of this as a kid
DQmountaingirl: Cool old slide
DQmountaingirl: Fun in the old playground
DQmountaingirl: A cute little guy
DQmountaingirl: a BIG bullfrog
DQmountaingirl: A typical pose
DQmountaingirl: A little creek
DQmountaingirl: Merriman NB
DQmountaingirl: With the interstate in the background