DQmountaingirl: The first pee stop
DQmountaingirl: Second pee stop
DQmountaingirl: Granny's front yard
DQmountaingirl: Apples snacks and blossoms
DQmountaingirl: Roaring Fork River
DQmountaingirl: Jenny Dog in the shade
DQmountaingirl: With all of her treasures
DQmountaingirl: Unpacking the backpack
DQmountaingirl: Jenny smiles
DQmountaingirl: P1010069
DQmountaingirl: She always seems to have a dirty face
DQmountaingirl: Sleepy Jenny Dog
DQmountaingirl: Touching the snake
DQmountaingirl: The SNAKE
DQmountaingirl: Looking horrified
DQmountaingirl: Kindof a cute little buggar
DQmountaingirl: Little Garden Snake
DQmountaingirl: Nice smile, honey
DQmountaingirl: P1010184
DQmountaingirl: Another Park in Carbondale
DQmountaingirl: Clearing rocks from the skate zone
DQmountaingirl: Jake likes to skate
DQmountaingirl: Yet another Mt Sopris view
DQmountaingirl: Chasing Jake 2
DQmountaingirl: Adi at the skate park
DQmountaingirl: Chasing at the skate park
DQmountaingirl: Theo and Adi watch Jake
DQmountaingirl: Jake in the Tunnel
DQmountaingirl: Theodore John